The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder

Denmark lies in the Northern part of Europe and is majorly surrounded by water bodies all over which makes the climate here temperate. Denmark is an absolute destination anyone can dream about, with mild winters and cool summers. As per its geographical status, Denmark houses loads of natural beaches, klints, and national parks. Moreover, the Danish people haven’t failed in preserving their history. You can have a glance at some great Viking traditions here. Castles and Monasteries have amused the travelers for decades.

baltic sea, denmark, port

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Hey Folks! I am Kaustubh! Founder of ‘One Ticket Please’ and I welcome you to my website. Here I present you with my travel experiences and adventures. To give exquisite details about the way to reach the destination and also pinpoint the ethnic attractions.

This tiny archipelago lies in the easternmost region of the Kingdom of Denmark. Christansø and Frederiksø lies in the Baltic sea and are 18 km east to the Island of Bornholm. The Danish people wanted the island to be the easternmost defense point of the country, so consequently, they built the easternmost naval fortress. Prisoners during the war were kept in these naval fortresses.


The Island has some historical forts and also houses some tiny gardens. Two Store Tarn or towers were constructed in the medieval period to guard the coast. Since the modernization left these structures with no use, these towers are now used as cultural museums. Exhibitions on art by local artists, remains, and info about the ecology and history of the island are some of the things displayed in the museum. Most importantly, the island hosts Mediterranean flair.

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Enjoy your vacation getting a tan on the shore of the Baltic Sea, sipping a beer, and waiting for Ragnar, along with his Viking army, to sail up to the shore.

denmark, landscape, forest

Explore the best of EUROPE:

Funrn is the third largest island in Denmark. Similar to the title this island is well known for its gardens and orchards. This makes it clear to understand that the land here is extremely fertile. The farms here are the source of most of the Danish cuisine and delicacies. Some locals call the island as Fyn but usually, the name is pronounced as Fyhn.


The island is a lot more just than the fertile farms and gardens. It is known for the beautiful villages, soothing seashores, cathedrals, castles, and lavish palaces. You can take a walk down the bright colored streets gazing at the timber houses. Likewise, take a boat ride in the Odense river and clock some medieval sights.


Just a few minutes of transit will take you to an impressive renaissance landmark that is the Egeskov Castle. The garden surrounding the castle is a huge parkland itself. In the vein, the huge maze and the rose garden is an excursion on its own.

Bornholm is the largest island in the entire Kingdom of Denmark. This is to say however the fact is that this island is way closer to Sweden and Poland than Denmark. The island is well known for its picture-perfect villages, beautiful seashores, and unique churches. The interior of these churches remarks on the pastoral beauty of Danish architecture.


Bornholm island is called the Sunshine island for a reason. The island lies to the far east of the Kingdom and is the perfect place for long summer days. Many adventurous activities like rock climb and hiking along the trails. Hammershus Castle is one of the largest fortresses in North Europe. Ceramic items form Bornholm are highly valued.

sunset, castle, bridge

Don’t take the name to seriously. Even if you do not plan to get hitched Ærø island is a lot more just than the weddings. The capital city Ærøskøbing is the fairytale city. Above all the city is also said to be the best-preserved city in the country. Attractions like small streets, colorful old houses, snug squares, and the contrived streets can be found here.

The trip to this island is worth a visit. Since the island is not only filled with natural beauty but also the manmade structures are so fairytale-like. The vibrant colored houses seem as if they are built as a prop for some kind of photoshoots. The sea vistas are just breathtaking. 

You can always choose to fish or go kayaking at the Marstal and Vester Strand beaches. Biking is also an option only if you wish to ride on the hilly interiors of the island.

Als is a tiny island in the southeast direction of Denmark. The Danish medieval castles should be visited here in Als. The two castles namely Augustenborg Castle and the Sønderborg Castle are highly recommended to visit. Some other recommended sights are Dybbol Mill, Universe science park, and the serene shores.

Samsø lies in the Kattegat province of Denmark. You will find numerous beaches with excellent opportunity to go fishing. The island is quiet and soothing perfect for a vacation to relax in. Most importantly, the Municipality of Samsø has worked hard to power the territory with renewable energy. This makes Samsø self-sufficient and powered with an endless supply of energy.

The beaches can be enjoyed to relax the mind and soul. Moreover, if you wish for an adrenaline rush cycling is also an option available. Do not forget to try the potatoes here.

hut, skansen, traditional

Læsø is a small island near to Sweden. The island is said to be the abode of God since the in Norse mythology the island was once the feasting place of the Gods. The island is well known for its long beaches, huts with seaweed roofs, and the seafood delicacies. The long grasslands and ports are also something not to be missed.

Fur – the most beautiful Danish island completely justifies the statement. The island is lush with white cliffs, enchanting beaches, gardens, serene oceans, and plenty of fossils. It was chosen as the most beautiful island of the year in 2010 by the Danish newspaper. The island is so beautiful even the locals say they heaven might seem off but not Fur.

apple, tree, garden

Fejø is one of the closest islands to the Danish mainland. To clarify, the island just lies 15 min away from the main island. The island has a very less population of almost 650 people which is exactly equal to the number of apple trees. In short, this is the reason why it is called the apple island. The photogenic townscape and the old houses are the major attraction of the island.

Amager is one of the most important islands in the Danish Territory. This is to say because the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen is partially located on Amager. The grasslands in Amager is the places where the cows are left for grazing. Just to clarify, the meadows of Amager are very renowned because of their soothing and long grassland.


Apart from this, the island houses some amazing sights like for instance, Amager Strandpark and Middelgruden Wind Farm. The Strandpark is actually a beach. The bronze statue of a mermaid on the shore of the Baltic Sea also is very attractive. 

Of all the archipelago in the Danish Kingdom, Amager is the island where tourists can enjoy as it puts forward the most number of things to do.

Happy Travel!



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