The Snow Desert

Did You Know?

  • Alaska was a Russian colony and the USA bought it for $7.2 million in 1867.
  • The Northern Lights can be seen in Fairbanks, Alaska 243 days a year.
  • In Alaska, there is approximately 1 bear to every 21 people.
  • Capital: Juneau
  • Country: 49th state of USA
  • Independence: October 18 – Alaska Day
  • Currency: USD
  • Language: English
  • Religion: Christian


Alaska, officially the 49th state of the USA is also the largest state by area. This state is situated in the far northern region of the North American continent and resides inside the Arctic circle. Alaska shares a boundary with Canada on the East. Many might wonder why the United States of America owns a province so far away from the US boundary? Well, the answer to that is quite simple. Alaska was formerly owned and governed by Russia. Russia was never fully successful in settling its colonies, as a result, the USA in the Year 1867, purchased Alaska for a mere $7.2 million. That’s nuts, right?

Alaska is a part of Wrangellia, which the geologists say, is a region that is actively undergoing continent building. Due to this phenomenon, Alaska is always on a verge of some change, The plates underneath cause a surface disturbance which has resulted in making Alaska a hub for active Volcanoes. Mount Shishaldin is one of the highest Volcano here. The fact about this Volcano is that it is formed in the most precise way, making it look like an exact cone replica. It is more symmetrical than Mount Fuji in Japan, giving it the title of the most perfect volcanic cone.

Lucky Dip:

Alaska lies in the far North, so spotting the Northern Lights won’t be difficult if you decide to spend nights camping in the open sky. The entire place is filled with plenty of flora and fauna. Spotting a wild bear is like reading everyday news here. And if is the breeding season for salmons, you can also enjoy the bear-salmon circus. Kidding!!

The weather is a bit off here, like snow in summers. Are you kidding me? But brighter side if you want to experience Glaciers up close, Alaska has got you covered. Many wildlife like black and brown bears can be seen in the wilderness. 

Apart from that, the whale watching trip is most recommended here. Bikers can enjoy their ride Central to the Northern region of Alaska. Some say it is one of the best experiences to have on your bike here, somewhat like the Leh-Ladakh ride in India. Hikers don’t worry there are many trails and peaks that you can hike and summit, but watch out the cold!

Travelers can enjoy sea kayaking around the Gulf, surrounded by the Alaskan Fjords. You may get lucky and spot a whale swimming by. Another recommended thing is the glacier dog sledding. Alaskan Malamutes (dogs) are anyways the gentle giants.

If u love hinting, kayaking, fishing, outdoor rituals, embracing nature, Alaska is the place for you. But there is a catch to this place. Being this far away, Alaska is very expensive compared to the United States. Also due to the large territory, it is very widespread and highly *not* recommended for short trips.

Culture and Cuisine:

Alaskan people love to spend time in a quiet and simple manner. Enjoying spruce tip beer with some live folk music is an old Alaskan tradition. Living in such adverse and cold conditions, one needs to keep his body warm. Alaskans do the same thing. The majority of Alaskan cuisine consists of food that helps you keep your body warm.

Due to an abundance of Salmon, fish and chips, fried fish, and other salmon dishes are widely consumed. Smoked meat of Salmon and reindeer are also consumed. Ordering an Alaskan King crab at any rustic local eateries will fulfill your heart and soul like nothing else after a long hike.

The land of Alaska welcomes its travelers with open arms, bestows them with its great nature, fresh air, and detoxing the mind and bodies of the wanderers.

Visit Alaska!

Happy Travel!

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