

Did you know?

  • In 2016, Denmark was the World’s happiest country, and as of 2020 is the second happiest country in the world after Finland.
  • Carlsberg and Tuborg are Danish Beers.
  • Capital: Copenhagen
  • Independence: 5 June
  • Currency: Danish Krone (1 DKK ~ 0.15 USD ~ 11.65 INR)
  • Language: Danish, English
  • Religion: Church of Denmark
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Denmark, officially known as the Kingdom of Denmark, is the southernmost Scandinavian country in Europe. Its mainland comprises of a Cimbrian peninsula and 443 other archipelagoes (small islands). Denmark is surrounded by Germany to the South, UK to the West, and Norway in the North. Apart from the peninsula, the total area of the Kingdom also comprises of Greenland and Faroe Island. Denmark is well known for its country capita – Copenhagen, its Viking history, and the Kronborg Castle.

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Lucky Dip:

Denmark lies in the Northern part of Europe and is majorly surrounded by water bodies all over which makes the climate here temperate. With mild winters and cool summers, this place is an absolute destination anyone can dream about. As per its geographical status, Denmark houses loads of natural beaches, klints, and national parks. A variety of wildlife can be found here. Denmark is the home of the famous Scandanavian Polar bear.

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Apart from that Danish people haven’t failed in preserving their history. You can have a glance at some great Viking traditions here. Castles and Monasteries have amused the travelers for decades.


Ever wonder why Denmark is known as the happiest country in the world? That’s because the Danish Government offers free education in all universities and colleges here. Yes, you herald me right.

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There are no tuition fees to enroll in any courses. Education is completely free here. If the student is 18 or above, they can apply for the state education support grants or ‘Statens Uddannelsesstotte (SU)’ wherein the state provides fixed financial support and monthly fund disbursement. International students also are provided with opportunities in the Danish Universities which help them obtain an internationally recognized qualification.

Explore more of DENMARK

Denmark houses loads of natural beaches, klints, and national parks. Take a glimpse of the most beautiful Danish islands in this blog.

Culture & Cuisine:

Football is the national sport of Denmark with more than 300,000 players and more than 1600 clubs. The Danish FC has crowned the title of European Champions in ‘92. Apart from football, it is culturally famous for its Romanesque and Gothic architecture. Baroque style buildings similar to the ones in Italy can be largely found in Denmark and its other provinces.

Ever played with the Lego bricks? Lego bricks were first invented and sold by the LEGO GROUP in Denmark.

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lego, children, toys

Danish people eat seasonally considering their climate and long winters. Ground meat, fish, and potatoes are mainly consumed here. Open sandwiches known as ‘smorrebrod’ can be considered as a national delicacy. Danish breweries are world-famous for their beers: Carlsberg and Tuborg.

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Enjoy your vacation getting a tan on the shore of the Baltic Sea, sipping a beer, and waiting for Ragnar, along with his Viking army, to sail up to the shore.

Happy Travel!

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