
The Charismatic Equatorial Beauty

Did You Know?

  • The Panama hat is actually from Ecuador.
  •  Ecuador is the only country in the world that is named after a geographical feature.
  • Capital: Quito 
  • Independence: August 10, 1809
  • Currency: United States Dollar(1 USD~ 73.72INR)
  • Language:  Spanish (Recognised regional languages: Kichwa & Shuar)
  • Religion: Christianity


This beautiful country, Ecuador is the westernmost country that lies on the equator. This northwestern country of South America is officially known as the Republic of Ecuador. Moreover, this is the only country in the world that got its name from a geographical phenomenon; Ecuador is Spanish for the Equator! It shares the boundaries with Colombia in the north, Peru in the south as well as east, and the Pacific Ocean in the west. However, the natural wonders of this country will leave a pretty good impression on you. The people are heart-warming and the places are mesmerizing.

Firstly, places like Yasuni serve fascinating wildlife and it is all the ecological bull’s eye because it is one of the most bio-diverse places in the world. Secondly,  it is said to be the orchid capital of the world and is among the leading exporter of cut flowers. Finally, you will be awestruck by the beautiful Spanish colonial architecture. The country has diverse regions; the mountains, jungles, coastline, and islands with an equatorial zest, which makes it a region of “Four Worlds.”

Lucky Dip:

Ecuador is the most affordable and convenient destinations to visit. The country is small but has very good transportation facilities which make it easy to explore. Moreover, the climate of this place is warm over the year since it lies on the equator. However, you can visit the mountains if you want to get away from the heat for a while. Otherwise, the coastline warmth on a sunny day is also enjoyable. Other than this, Ecuador has a special attraction for nature lovers; The Galapagos Islands. This place is home to the biggest tortoise to the black iguanas and many more amusing species. You can even enjoy a unique experience of scuba diving and discover the marine life within.

 If you are looking for a more fierce adventure, then a climb on Cotopaxi will be the best option. Apart from being the 2nd highest summit in Ecuador, Cotopaxi is a snow-covered active volcano. How can we not mention Banos- The adventure-seeking hotspot in all of Ecuador! You can have a thrilling experience of paragliding, bungee jumping, white water rafting, and much more.

Culture and Heritage:

The culture of Ecuador is inspired by Spanish ancestry along with some minor influences of African and Amerindian cultures. Spanish is the first language of Ecuador and there are many other regional languages. This might be a surprise for you that the Panama hats are actually an invention of Ecuador. The music and dancing traditions of this place are very authentic and historic. Pasillo is the national genre of music here. With the advance of time, other forms of musical fusions were introduced. Furthermore, the traditional dance form, Sanjuanito, is a festive dance that people enjoy. Due to the mix of various cultural backgrounds, Ecuador has a vibrant and beautiful customary life. And to talk about architecture, it has a Spanish touch to everything. The historic center of Quito is the first UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other impressive marvels include the La Compania de Jesus Jesuit Cathedral and the  Gothic La Basilica del Voto Nacional.


Now that we have seen the diverse culture of Ecuador, the cuisine is also very colorful with distinct delicacies. The Ecuadorian dishes include grilled meat like pork, chicken, and beef, seafood and they finish the meal with either coffee or other beverages like herbal tea. One of the traditional and most liked dishes is Cuy Asado. It is the grilled guinea pig served with potatoes, fresh salsa, and chile. Another dish that is very popular in Ecuador is Ceviche. It is basically a dish of raw fish mixed with lemon, chili, and onions. Apart from this, the coastal region has rich supplies of coconut, and many dishes include the coconut sauce which are even called by the name, Encocados.

To sum it up, Ecuador is a lively and dynamic place. Whether you are seeking expeditions and excitement or looking for a peaceful and warm vacation, Ecuador can present you with all these experiences. Even if the country is small, it is bundled with everything each king of traveler desires about a perfect destination. The next time you find yourself planning for a refreshing trip, consider visiting Ecuador!

Happy travel!

volcano, cotopaxi, ecuador

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