My first Holiday

A holiday is an opportunity for a journey within.

It is also a chance to chill, to relax

It is the time when I switch on my rest mode.

My first holiday! Hushhhh!!! That’s a hard one. I’ve been to so many vacations and holidays I can’t even pretend to remember my first holiday. I already posted about my travel history in my previous blogs. If you haven’t checked it out yet. Click here*. So I was born in a family of Travel junkies and my dad used to take us to small trips almost twice a month. Just a small road trip within a few kilometer radius since I was 2.

Okay! Now I remember one. It might sound silly but this holiday or let’s say a family picnic is the one I remember to be my first ever holiday and to be precise I was almost 4. I know it is a small age to remember stuff like this, but I am pretty damn sure as it was the first and last thing I ever remember as a child.

I was 4 and it was almost the end of winter, like in the month of March maybe (I guessed the month looking at my attire and the surroundings in the picture). This was a family picnic, a two-day thing, I don’t exactly remember the day or date but I guess it doesn’t matter that much. The family trip as in it was me, my baby bro who was 2 by that time, barely learned to walk, my mom, my dad, and I used to have a nanny back then, so she too accompanied us. It was the five of us from my hometown, and on our way to the destination we picked up my maternal uncle, his wife, their two kids, the same as our age, and my granny.

Ya, I know! It was a big crowd. But luckily as we all were so tiny back then we all cringed around in one SUV. We had our food packed for a day, some clothes, some water bottles, and one diaper bag for the babies. And then the journey began.

It is a very common location for us since we go there all the time, but it was the first time I was there. The place was called Chikhaldara and Semadoh. These are small hill stations, so close to my hometown that my dad used to drive us there once every three months. Soon after when I and my brothers were old enough to drive ourselves, these hill stations became our go-to destination. Every time any of us feels low or needs some change we crank our vehicle and visit this place.

So it was just the start of summer, and as I said it was a hill station we were driving to, the road that leads to this place was a curvy ghat road. I remember sitting on the back seat of the Jeep in my granny’s lap and counting every tree we passed by. The entire pathway was a jungle, huge dense forest with zillions of huge trees and rocky mountains. Initially, when the ride started I was afraid of the mountains and the surprisingly unknown location, but eventually, I blended into the vibe.

Throughout the way, I asked my granny thousands of questions, many were answered and the ones ignored might have been totally stupid or senseless questions. LOL. After some time we finally reached our first destination – Semadoh. We checked into our A-huts in a forest resort completely surrounded by trees and a shiny blazing river on its side, it was awesome. It was still morning, my dad likes to leave for picnics early morning. He says we get to feel the fresh air, mild sunlight, the sound of birds chirping, and most importantly stay energetic for the entire day.

Soon after we checked in, we had some breakfast which we already bought, ordered some tea, and sat outside our rooms to enjoy nature. It was noon by then. We decided to take a quick nap, as all of us were exhausted, and especially our moms, who got up early in the morning, prepared some food and made us ready too.

All of us woke up after an hour-long sleep when we decided to take a jungle safari. My first ever jungle safari, we all were so excited to see some animals in the wild, but sadly the dices rolled out on us. It was a bad safari as all we saw were monkeys. But it is true what they say, “God has made plans for everyone”. It was dark by the time we returned from the safari and the moment we entered the resort area, the entire surrounding was lit like a festival. And to our astonishment, all these were fireflies.

The entire place was lit with fireflies and it was the second thing in the trip I completely remember. We all stayed up for a long time, had our dinner outdoors. After the dinner was done, we lit up a small bonfire to make it more memorable. And all of us kids soon fell asleep on our parent’s laps like a well-fed lion.

The next day early morning we took off for our next destination which was Chikhaldara. I don’t exactly remember the things that took place in Chikhaldara but one thing was for sure – the firefly jamboree we saw last night was the best thing that could have happened on this vacation. I try to remember every detail I can from the next day but it is a theory, Only one best thing happens in a trip, only one, and the rest are better. And that is the only thing that you saw or did what really matters, and you remember it for the rest of your life.

The second day was kind of tiring as we mostly covered all the tourist spots, ate hastily and all of us had to return back to our home as our parents had a job to go to the next day.

One thing which I remember from this picnic was that everyone was so fulfilled and happy at this picnic. It was the time when mobile phones weren’t introduced to the middle class. Everyone enjoyed each other’s company, everyone tried to enjoy the moment rather than being fragmented about the need to capture a perfect picture with a Snapchat filter on it. Try to enjoy the moment you live in rather than capturing the moment and preserving it to see in the future because once the time you live-in is gone, the moment demands a huge sacrifice from you to return again.


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4 thoughts on “Holiday Flashbacks: My First Ever Fun Holiday”

    1. Thanks, dear! Welcome to the ‘ONE TICKET FAMILY’. Hope you enjoyed the blogs and services. We are looking forward to helping you out.
      Happy Travel!

  1. Atharva Deshpande

    Great Man !!! :y First I’ll congratulate for launching this website and a big thanks to you for helping me and other people to plan their trips. It’s a great launch. I wish you a higher flight 🙂

    1. Thank you Mate! Welcome to the ‘ONE TICKET FAMILY’. Hope you enjoyed your services. We are looking forward to helping you out on your journey.
      happy Travel!

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