Weekend Routine: How I Spend My Weekend(His Perspective)

Hey Guys!! It’s the weekend already. I know every day is the same during this lock-down, yet it’s weekend guys, cheer up! Usually, all of us want to spend the weekend partying without our friends, going for a nice long hike, spending a romantic night with our special one, or taking a small getaway from the city hassle and noisy surroundings to a peaceful calm location. But since it is a lockdown, there is not much we can do. All we have to do is stay safe and be indoors as much as possible. So, here is a routine that I follow during the lockdown weekend, it’s quite simple, quiet, and relaxing.

Weekend Day 1: Saturday Rituals

So, it is the 6th day of the week, Saturday to be precise, I’ve had a long hard busy week, obviously working from home. But let me tell you a fun fact about working from home. It is like eating diet food, you are very motivated the first day, you stabilize your mind to get used to the food, you enjoy the low-calorie diet, but as time passes by you get nauseous, your tongue demands tasty food, you start craving to eat burgers and pizzas and ice cream, and soon you get bored of all the stuff, you start to demotivate but you have to do it either way since you have decided not to turn back.

Similar things happen when you start working from home, it is like your dream come true, you were always hoping to work from home, and now is your chance to have it. You are motivated a lot in the beginning, but as time goes by, you start to feel it as a burden, at least working in the office had some fixed working hours, but scenarios are different when you start working at home. You become lazy, there is no time management, you start postponing the work to the other day and this goes on. Then you have a pile of work till the weekend arrives To add up, the office manager, too, has no mercy, he piles up loads and loads of work on you, sometimes even more than you usually do in your office.

notebook, notes, pen
newspaper, news, read

Anyways enough bragging about my work life, but I guess many of you must have the same lifestyle going on nowadays. So, getting back to where I started, I had a busy week, with your stuff, and also did I mention I make YouTube Vlogs, yeah!! I have to work on that too. That consumes part of my weekend as well. But I love this YouTube thing, it makes me take off the mind from boring office things. I usually try to upload every Monday and Friday but sometimes I miss it because of my office work. Also, blog writing is like a therapy, I love writing and sharing my stories so this too helps.

Weekend Morning Routine

Therefore, after I had a stressful week, I make an excuse to wake up early in the morning on Saturday. Throughout the week I usually wake up at 6 AM, but on Saturday I try not to wake up before 8 in the morning. After waking up, the first thing I do is wash my face thoroughly with ice-cold water, pat it gently, and then wear an icepack on my eyes. This helps me remove all the stress from the face muscles over the weekend. Also, it keeps me fresh throughout the day. Keeping the ice pack on my eyes for 10 minutes, I drink a cup of lukewarm water. 

After refreshing my lousy face, it’s time to hit the loo. A book or a newspaper is the best companion there. Once my stomach is all empty, it’s time to work out. Since I workout vigorously on weekdays, I usually do Yoga or only stretching on the weekend, try to relax those muscles for a bit. A 30 min workout works just fine for me. And by the end of the workout I am all sweaty and drained up, it’s time to hit the shower. Many of you would like a cup of coffee after a workout but I like to shower up before I bury any food in my stomach.

meditation, calm, above the city

I always shower with cold water, even through winter, it helps me stay immune and increases my metabolism. After a nice shower, it’s time to pour something green. I like green juices so I start detoxing with a glassful of curry leaves juice. It tastes disgusting but it helps to strengthen my immunity and some part of me loves it.

It is the quarter time of my day and the time still is 10 AM. Now usually this is the time when boredom starts to hit in. Now to cope up with it I have started to take making lists that make me happy and can keep me occupied for the day. Obviously there are blogs to write, and I write most of my blogs on weekends since I have lots of time to think of and proofread as well. Then I have my YouTube videos which I shoot, edit, render and keep ready to be uploaded on Monday. I prefer to utilize the entire afternoon to do this stuff, if I delay it it’s never done.

Weekend Evening Routine

Now the time is 6 in the evening, the sky is orange with a tint of pink in it, there’s this cold breeze blowing the leaves on my porch, it’s time for a short outdoor recovery run. I don’t like to run on weekends but if I don’t run on Saturdays the next day is all lazy and boring. Plus running in good weather makes your body feel great, with all the natural air and greenery all around, it just makes up for the entire day. Soon I am back after a 30-minute run, take a shower, have a cup of coffee, and now is the time where I learn something new. Recently I’ve started taking guitar lessons, I have been wanting to learn guitar since 10th grade but with all the studies and projects I never really had time to sit and learn properly. The guitar practice goes on for an hour or so, after which I head downstairs to my kitchen where I cook. 

Yes! That’s right! I love to cook. I can make everything right from exotic international cuisines to local spicy dishes. Although I am an amateur cook, I think I am pretty good, and my family thinks so too. LOL! But a beautiful tasty dinner is incomplete without a movie. Saturday night is our movie night where all my family members sit across the drawing-room and enjoy their dinner with a movie. And here ends the day-1.

On Sunday, I wake up early but this time morning routine is mostly similar to that of weekdays, except for the exercise. I do not workout on Sundays. The rest of the day is similar to Saturday, I write blogs, Youtube, some artsy work, family time, video call with friends, some household chores like cleaning, grocery shopping, etc. Blah! Blah! Blah!

The main thing I wish to share with you guys is that even though we are in lockdown state, it’s better to keep ourselves busy. There will be times you will feel like giving up, your energy will be overlapped with laziness, but don’t let that happen. Keep yourselves busy because an empty mind is a devil’s workshop. Don’t let negative thoughts or ideas make room in your head. Always try to think and plan for the future, like make a list of places you want to travel, find out some undiscovered local destinations, research about them, plan the places you want to visit after this pandemic ends. In this way, you will save time thinking instead the only thing you will need to do is pack and leave for your dream destination. 

Hope you make your Quarantine memorable and useful.



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