A New Jesus Christ Statue, Taller Than “Christ The Redeemer” Is Constructed In Brazil!
Everyone knows that Brazil is the home to one of the seven wonders of the world. The gigantic statue of Jesus Christ stands tall in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil since 1931. However, the recent updates about another Art Deco statue of Jesus Christ will put you in surprise. Yeah! Brazil is about to have its second statue of Christ in the city of Encantado. There are a lot more interesting details being revealed about this new statue.

Firstly, the Rio de Janeiro statue, also called Christ the Redeemer is the masterpiece of French sculptor Paul Landowski. Moreover, it was built by Heitor da Silva Costa, a Brazilian Engineer alongside French engineer Albert Caquot. Besides, Gheorghe Leonida, a Romanian sculptor fashioned the face of this statue. As huge as this statue is, it also offers a wonderful landscape and scenic view. Secondly, Christ the Redeemer is about 98 ft high(approx. 30 meters) if we exclude the 26 ft (or 8 meters) pedestal. Also, the arms are as wide as 92 ft(or 28 meters). Thirdly, it is made of soapstone and reinforced concrete. So, the total weight of Rio de Janeiro’s Jesus statue is about 635 metric tonnes.
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"Christ the Redeemer" At Rio The Janeiro:
Christ the Redeemer statue stands on the peak of Corcovado Mountain(2,300ft) in the Tijuca Forest National Park. Jesus seems to overlook the entire city from this high point. Apart from being a holy symbol of Christianity, the statue is a cultural symbol for Rio de Janeiro and Brazil as well. Recently, it was witnessed that there has been construction going on for yet another statue of Jesus Christ. The work is progressing in a different city of Brazil, Encantado. Moreover, this new statue is going to be taller than Christ the Redeemer.

"Christ The Protector" At Rio Grande de Sul:
First, the name of this new statue in Encantado is “Christ the Protector”. The structure appears to look a lot similar to Christ the Redeemer, except for the height. Christ the Protector is anticipated to be about 140 ft high, definitely taller than the one in Rio de Janeiro. Also, it will stretch to a width of 118ft from tip to tip. Furthermore, a local organization is looking into all the work of construction in Encantado, a small town in the southern Brazilian state of the Rio Grande do Sul. After the construction is completed, this new statue, Christ the Protector, will be one of the world’s tallest Jesus Christ statues!

According to some resources, the estimated cost of this statue is 2 Million Brazilian Reals. An interesting fact is that Christ the Protector will be the third tallest statue of Jesus following the 249 ft statue in Mexico and 172 ft monument in Poland. Also, the statue is constructed to inspire faith among people and help encourage tourism in this region. Besides, there is an elevator getting constructed through this statue. The tourists can look out at the height of Christ’s Heart. They can view the beautiful valley through a glass window and admire the location. It was the city mayor, Adroaldo Conzatti who first came up with the idea, and thus the construction started in 2019. However, it slowed down a bit during the pandemic but is now getting ready to stand tall!
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