One of the most exotic and natural habitats is nestled in the cacoon of the Seven Sister States in India. Nagaland is the treat to your senses in the extreme east end of India. The cultural diversity and the hospitality of the environment is something not to be missed here. That is to say because the Nagas love their fellow tourists and their king-sized hearts are slowly catching the fancy traveler community.

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Hey Folks! I am Kaustubh! Founder of ‘One Ticket Please’ and I welcome you to my website. Here I present you with my travel experiences and adventures. To give exquisite details about the way to reach the destination and also pinpoint the ethnic attractions.
Let us dive in catch some fresh offbeat experience and enjoy the mystical, remote, and home to the most interesting tribes in India. Welcome to Nagaland!

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Explore INDIA
The changing wave of traditions in each part of India makes it even more delightful and fascinating. A journey to incredible India will put an unforgettable and vibrant impression on you forever.
While in Nagaland you will get an amazing chance to unveil the truthful nature lust in you. The dark lush forests and the neverending grasslands can just be enjoyed for hours and hours. If you think it is all about history and horizon you are wrong my friend. To clarify, Nagaland is all about its culture and tradition.

The tribal festivals are the most infatuated ones here. Bonding with nature, going on a hunt with the tribesmen, and eating off the bamboo tableware are some of the best experiences of Nagaland.

Lucky Dip

Certainly, Nagaland seems a tiny state but there a lot to do here. Right from hunting with tribesmen to rafting in the raging rivers and from hiking up the trails to drifting in the history. Above all the breathtaking views from the mountain tops is one heck of an experience. This makes it very clear what they say, ‘Climb the highest peak to get the best view’.
Not many people know it but Nagaland is one of the sites of the ancient ruins in India. The Dimasa Kachari site in Dimapur is enriched with ruins that date back to the 10th century. The entire site is filled with alienated items like the mushroom-shaped pillars.
The Konyaks tribe area is the city of Longwa gives you a hint of the Naga culture. The Longwa village is located just at the border of Burma and shockingly half of the village is in Burma itself. Stange isn’t it? Consequently, it means you will be crossing the international boundary and going in and out of Burma, all illegally. And surprisingly, no one cares about it at all.

Nagaland is a land of festivals and fiestas. There is almost one festival lined up for all the months of the year. Hornbill of which is the most tourism driving festival of Nagas. It lines up in the first week of December and lasts for 10 days. You can encounter the best of the naga artwork, traditional sports like archery and wrestling, and listen to the powerful loud rhythm of the warrior drums.
Nagaland is a land of festivals and fiestas. There is almost one festival lined up for all the months of the year. Hornbill of which is the most tourism driving festival of Nagas. It lines up in the first week of December and lasts for 10 days. You can encounter the best of the naga artwork, traditional sports like archery and wrestling, and listen to the powerful loud rhythm of the warrior drums.

Nagaland is the cocoon of the 16 major tribes with myriads of small scale tribe Inhabitat. Likewise, there is nothing as a naga tribe or the naga language in particular. All the 16 tribes have their own tradition and speak their own language.
Subsequently, the 16 tribes in all contribute only 18-20% of the total Naga population. Naga culture is disappearing fast. In this vein, almost 80% of the population is now Christian and this is creating a war between the tribes themselves.
Hidden away in the shadow of the great Himalayas, Zanskar is not just a travel destination. It is a mood! A happy place to be around.
Budgeting your Trip

Most importantly, Nagaland is one of the poorest places in the country. And likewise, the most expensive area compared to its sister states. The prices are much higher than the rest of the country. Similarly, the accommodations and food miles the worst than any other state.
I recommend you hire a long and comfortable jeep or an RV if you wish to visit here. First of all the accommodation here is hard to get and such high accommodation rates can be easily compensated by spending the rest of the journey in your vehicle itself.

Foreigners take note, hotels and lodges do not allow accommodation easily. Even in the bigger towns. Homestays is the only option or carrying a tent is preferred. If you manage to find a homestay or a bed take it in a single go. Because finding another bed might make you slim.
To sum up, Nagaland is a pleasing experience with a bit of challenges en route. The roads here are rough and completely worn out yet the views and nature remunerate the journey. So sit back and relax and enjoy the serenity of Nagaland. Enjoy the food while chatting with the tribes. Learn and embrace the history and culture. And don’t forget to gift the tribe king with a bottle of rum or scotch.
Travel Nagaland!
Happy travel!